Vendor applications for the 31st Annual Craft and Gift Show are available online or through the office. Don’t miss the early bird deadline – all paid applications received before the deadline will be entered in a draw to win a free booth space!
Vendor applications for the 31st Annual Craft and Gift Show are available online or through the office. Don’t miss the early bird deadline – all paid applications received before the deadline will be entered in a draw to win a free booth space!
Hi. I was wondering if there were any tables available for the Aug 8 2018 craft sale. I will be selling Young Living Essential Oils. This will be my first vendor event and would like to know where I can get insurance. Do I go to my insurance company? Hoping to hear back. Thank you.
Yes there are. Download the application and get it submitted by tomorrow for a chance to win your booth fees.
For the insurance question you can check with your insurance company. Stewart Morrison in Lindsay is offering a package or you can go online to https://www.palcanada.com/en/ – they have a specific product for craft show and market vendors.
Hi there,
Can you tell me whether the LEX Craft Show will be back in August 2023? We are prior year vendors and would like to attend.