AG Products Competition
Rules & Regulations
COMMITTEE: Chairperson Lisa Bowen; Suzanne Barker, Larry Bowen, Bradley Bowen, Jack Kyle, Tracey McFarlane, Jim McKehnie, Audrey Quibell, Sherry Sutcliffe, & Candace Webster.
Important Dates
- ENTRIES CLOSE: Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
- LATE ENTRIES CLOSE: Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
- ENTRY TAGS READY FOR PICKUP: Friday, September 13, 2024.
- BRINGING EXHIBITS: Ag Products exhibits to be delivered to the COMMONWELL EXHIBITION BUILDING on Tuesday, September 16 between 3:00 pm & 7:45 pm.
- JUDGING: Judging begins Tuesday, September 17 at 8:00 pm.
- REMOVING EXHIBITS: Exhibits may be pickup on Monday, September 23 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. *Please note there will no longer be Sunday pickup. Perishable items not picked up on Monday, September 23 will be discarded without notification to the exhibitor.
Important Notes
- Completed entry forms may be submitted by fax, via phone, via email, delivered in-person to the LEX office, or completed online at
- LATE FEE: $5.00 per entry.
- When making entries use 4 DIGITS, the first 2 are DIVISION number & second 2 are CLASS number.
- ALL PRODUCE: Produce must be grown by the exhibitor in 2024.
- FEE: $10.00 Administration fee must accompany each entry forms.
- CLOSING DATE: Agricultural Products Entry Forms must be received by 11:59 pm on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2024. Entry forms received after this time will be charged AN ADDITIONAL LATE FEE OF $5.00. ABSOLUTELY NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2024. Submit entries to the LEX office in person, via fax (705) 324-8111, email (, or online at
- ENTRIES ALLOWED: Exhibitors may make ONE ENTRY only and receive ONE PRIZE only in each class.
- JUDGING: Judging will be based on quality, arrangement and cleanliness, free of foreign matter and uniformity if 2 or more are required.
- Exhibitors will be awarded ribbons to the top 5 placings.
- TAGS: Tags will be available for pick-up September 13, 2024. Tags may not be picked up at the time of bringing in entry form. LINDSAY EXHIBITION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO OPEN ALL ENTRY TAGS AFTER JUDGING HAS BEEN COMPLETED.
- REMOVING EXHIBITS: Exhibits may be pickup on Monday, September 23 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. *Please note there will no longer be Sunday pickup. Perishable items not picked up on Monday September 23, 2024 will be discarded without notification to the exhibitor.
- JUDGING: Commences at 8:00 pm Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Only committee members and volunteers will be allowed in the building during judging.
- RULES: All General Rules of the Exhibition which are applicable will apply. Separate Rules and Regulations apply to Homecraft and Horticulture Departments. See each department in this prize book.
- PRIZE MONEY: Prize money won will be paid by cheque and mailed after October 14th. Cheques MUST be cashed by April 1st, 2025.
Each hay exhibit is to consist of at least a 15cm wide flake of hay from the centre of the bale, appropriately displayed.
Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $6, 3rd: $4
1. | First Cut Hay - Open to all grass and legume mixtures. |
2. | Second Cut Hay - Open to all grass and legume mixtures. |
3. | Haylage - Open to all grass and legume mixtures, 5 kg. |
4. | Haylage - Open to all grass and legume mixtures, from a large wet bale, 5 kg. |
KEITH & JEFF THURSTON & PIONEER HYBRID LTD will donate 25 kg of a Pioneer alfalfa variety to the Exhibitor with the most points in the hay/haylage classes 7101 to 7104