Light Horse Show

Livestock Exhibitor Code of Conduct


The Lindsay Exhibition is committed to responsible animal care and treatment. This Code of Conduct outlines what is expected of livestock exhibitors in the handling and exhibiting of all animals involved with the LEX.

This Code has been developed to meet the following objectives:

  • To ensure the health and well being of all animals at the fair.
  • To demonstrate an accurate and responsible animal care message to the public.
  • To maintain the integrity of all livestock competitions, displays, and sales.
  • Livestock and poultry must be transported to and from the LEX in accordance with all humane transport regulations and standards.
  • Loading and unloading must be undertaken using proper equipment and procedures.
  • All animals must be treated and handled in a responsible manner. The well being of the animals shall take precedence over the demands of owners, sellers, buyers, organizers, sponsors, and officials.
  • The care of all animals must be as consistent as possible with their normal schedules and standards. High standards of nutrition, health, sanitation, environment and safety must be met at all times. All handling, housing and veterinary treatment must ensure adequate animal care.
  • Livestock should be prepared with proper training, fitting and grooming prior to the LEX. Excessive disciplining of animals at the LEX is unacceptable.
  • Exhibitors are expected to provide adequate training for anyone handling their livestock. Untrained individuals, including LEX personnel and visitors, should not be permitted to handle animals or equipment.
  • Exhibitors should take every opportunity to enhance public awareness, education and appreciation of proper livestock management and handling practices.

There will be no tolerance for any mistreatment of animals. Any unacceptable exhibitor conduct will be subject to action including possible elimination from the competition(s) and/or exhibit, at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Lindsay Agricultural Society.

General Rules


  1. All exhibitors must obey the general rules of the Lindsay Exhibition as well as the individual regulations of each division. An exhibitor violating any rule or regulation of this Society, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, may be required to forfeit all prizes won, and may be subject to other penalties as the Board may see fit.
  2. THE LINDSAY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY reserves all rights to its grounds and may restrict or prohibit admittance to the grounds to any person or group of persons without giving reason for such action. Further, the Society may refuse the privilege of exhibiting to any individual without disclosing the reasons for such refusal. All members, exhibitors and others must place animals, cars, trucks and exhibits as instructed by the officials or remove same from the grounds.
  3. MEMBERSHIP: Any persons, on the payment of the annual membership fee of $15.00, shall be enrolled as a member of the Society for the current year and as such shall be entitled to the advantages and privileges conferred on members under the rules of the Exhibition. No membership fee will be retained from winners for their membership for the following year.
  4. Exhibitors will receive Admission Passes to the email that is listed on the entry form. Exhibitor admission passes will be allocated based on the number of livestock entered.
  5. OWNERSHIP: Animals or articles entered for competition must be the bonafide property of the person entering them, and with the exception of animals, must have been grown, produced, manufactured or made in the present year by the person or persons entering them. If any doubt arises on the subject, proof will be required. The President, Vice-President or General Manager shall be obliged to cause any exhibitor with reference to whom such doubt exists, to make satisfactory declaration of compliance with the terms of the said Rule. If any person shall enter an article for exhibition as produced or manufactured by himself or herself when it has not really been so, he or she shall forfeit all prizes, which may be awarded to him, and shall be precluded from exhibiting in the future.
  6. PRIZES: Should there be only one exhibitor in a class or section the Judges may use their discretion as to awarding any premium. The Judges shall in no case award any prize unless they consider the exhibit actually worthy of such prize. No person shall be a Judge of any article or any class that they are interested in as an exhibitor, agent, employee or otherwise.
  7. ALCOHOL: Consumption of alcohol in the Livestock Building is prohibited. Following one warning the exhibitor will forfeit their prize money. This Rule will be strictly enforced.
  8. GLASS CONTAINERS: Absolutely no glass containers will be allowed in the Livestock Buildings or wash racks. Following one warning the exhibitor will forfeit their prize money. This Rule will be strictly enforced.
  9. SMOKING: Absolutely no smoking in the Livestock Buildings, or any other buildings. Following one warning the exhibitor will forfeit their prize money. This Rule will be strictly enforced.
  10. ENTRIES: All entries must be made on entry forms supplied with prize list, including all requested information. PLEASE NOTE: Insurance information required on entry forms. All entry forms must be in the Lindsay Exhibition Office on or before the closing date of entries as listed in the prize list. Entry fees and administration fee must accompany entry forms. **Entries can be made online at
  11. TRUCK PARKING: Immediately following unloading, all trucks MUST be moved to the stipulated truck parking area. Trucks and trailers not parked where directed may be towed at owner’s expense. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.
  12. FIRE RESTRICTIONS: No one is allowed to leave a vehicle in front of any building by order of the Fire Chief.
  13. DISTURBANCES: An exhibitor who is guilty of creating a disturbance, whether by openly criticizing the Judge or using obscene language to any Judge or Official, shall forfeit the right to any premium and may be suspended by the Society from exhibiting.
  14. FRAUD: Upon the discovery of fraud, deception, or dishonest practice, either in preparation, ownership, or of any misrepresentation concerning any article exhibited which may be affected, or may have been intended to affect the decision of the Judges, the Board of Directors shall have the power to withhold the payment of any prize awarded, and may prohibit any such party or parties from exhibition in any class for one or more years, and may publish the names of such persons or not as deemed most expedient.
  15. COMPLAINTS: Complaints as to errors in premiums must be made known to the General Manager before the close of the Exhibition in order to be considered. No protest will be considered unless a deposit of $25.00 accompanies it. The deposit to become the property of the Exhibition if protest is not sustained, but if sustained, the full amount will be returned to the party who entered the protest.
  16. PREMIUMS: Premiums won in all classes of livestock will be paid by cheque as soon as possible following the Exhibition. Exhibitors who do not receive prize money by November 15th, 2024 are asked to contact the Exhibition Office at once, submitting an itemized statement of prizes claimed. **NOTE: Prize cheques must be cashed by MARCH 1st, 2025.
  17. STRAW: Absolutely NO STRAW will be provided by the Lindsay Exhibition.
  18. SAFETY: While the Directors will take every possible precaution under the circumstances to secure the safety of articles sent to the Exhibition, the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting, and should any articles be accidentally injured, lost or stolen, the Directors will give all assistance in their power towards its recovery, but will not make any payments for the value.
  19. LIABILITY INSURANCE: All Exhibitors and participants must carry a Public Liability Insurance (minimum $2 million). The Society will not be responsible for any accidents. Insurance information is required on entry forms.
  20. UNMANAGEABLE ANIMALS: Animals not under sufficient control shall not be allowed to compete.
  21. ATTIRE: Neatness of dress in the ring is required in all divisions.
  22. HUCKSTERING: The Society, under the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act has the power to enforce all its rules and regulations, and the right to prohibit and prevent theatrical, circus, or acrobatic performances, exhibitions or shows, all kinds of gambling, soliciting for funds, the huckstering or trafficking in fruits, goods, wares or merchandise on the Exhibition grounds, or within three hundred yards thereof; and any person who, after due notice of such rules, violates same, will be removed by police officers or officers of the said society, and will be liable to penalty prescribed.
  23. PENALTIES: Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act, or the regulations or any rule or regulation of a Society under subsection 2 of section 19 or who gains admission to the grounds contrary to the rules of the society is guilty of an offence, and on summary conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $100.00.
  24. The Society reserves the right to interpret its own rules and regulations and should any dispute or question arise not provided for in the rules and regulations, the decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
  25. In the event admissions to the exhibition are reduced due to weather conditions, the Board of Directors reserves the right to reduce the amount of premiums to be paid.
  26. PETS: No pets, except certified service animals are allowed on the Exhibition grounds. No dogs, including Exhibitor’s dogs, are allowed in the barns during the Exhibition.
  27. A $25.00 service charge will be applied to NSF cheques.
    ENTRY FEES will be refunded if cancelled 24 hours prior to the start of the show entered. Proper medical documentation of show person or animal must be submitted. The justification for withdrawing entries must be submitted at time of notice of cancellation.
  29. NEW Camping is permitted in the new C1 parking lot ONLY. Absolutely no camping is permitted elsewhere on the grounds (including at the East Ring). Camping registration forms MUST be submitted with entry forms to reserve a spot. Camping rules are included on the registration form.
Concussion Code of Conduct


I will help prevent concussions by:

  • wearing the proper equipment for my activity and wearing it correctly;
  • developing my skills and strength so that I can participate to the best of my ability;
  • respecting the rules of my activity; and,
  • demonstrating my commitment to fair play and respect for all (including other Participants, LAS staff, volunteers, coaches, and officials).

I will care for my health and safety by taking concussions seriously, and I understand that:

  • a concussion is a brain injury that can have both short-term and long-term effects;
  • a blow to my head, face, or neck, or a blow to the body that causes the brain to move around inside the skull may cause a concussion;
  • I don’t need to lose consciousness to have had a concussion;
  • I have a commitment to concussion recognition and reporting, including self-reporting of possible concussion and reporting to a designated person when an individual suspects that another individual may have sustained a concussion (meaning: If I think I might have a concussion I should stop participating in further training, practice or competition immediately, and I will tell an adult if I think another Participant has a concussion); and,
  • continuing to participate in further training, practice or competition with a possible concussion increases my risk of more severe, longer lasting symptoms, and increases my risk of other injuries.

I will not hide concussion symptoms. I will speak up for myself and others.

  • I will not hide my symptoms. I will tell an LAS staff person, volunteer, official, parent, or another adult I trust if I experience any symptoms of concussion;
  • If someone else tells me about concussion symptoms or I see signs they might have a concussion, I will tell a LAS staff person, volunteer, official, parent, or another adult I trust so they can help;
  • I understand that if I have a Suspected Concussion, I will be removed from activity and not be able to return to participating, training, practice, or competition until I undergo a medical assessment by on-site medical personnel, medical doctor or nurse practitioner and have been medically cleared to return to training, practice, or competition; and,
  • I have a commitment to sharing any pertinent information regarding incidents of removal from activity with my school and any other activity organization with which I have registered (meaning: If I am diagnosed with a concussion, I understand that letting all of my other coaches, teachers, and employees know about my injury will help them support me while I recover).

I will take the time I need to recover, because it is important for my health.

  • I understand my commitment to supporting the Concussion Protocol process and I will follow the LAS Protocol in returning to participate;
  • I understand I will have to be medically cleared by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner before returning to the activity; and,
  • I will respect LAS staff, volunteers, coaches, parents, health-care professionals, medical doctors, and nurse practitioners regarding my health and safety.

Rules & Regulations


COMMITTEE: Chairperson: Lynn Burkholder; Catherine Corneil, Maisie Durward, Chris English, Bobbie Finley, Genevieve Kendell-Hayes, John Lester, Nelson Lester, Melissa Lotton, Alison Morton, Laurie Ptolemy, & Rachel Robinson.


  • ENTRIES CLOSE: Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
  • LATE ENTRIES: Wednesday, September 11, 2024.


  • Completed entry forms may be submitted by fax, phone, email, delivered in-person to the LEX office, or completed online at
  • ADMINISTRATION FEE: $10.00 Administration fee and entry fee must accompany all entries.
  • When listing entries on entry form be sure to use 4 DIGITS. The Division Number & Class Number.
  • Purchase your EC Horse Recording online at
  • Purchase your OE membership online at
  • Camping at the LEX? Registration form MUST accompany entry form
    Division 01-08 & 10: $8.00 / entry
    Division 09: $9.00 / entry
    Division 11-13: $10.00 / entry
    Stake Classes:
    Division 01-08 & 10: $11.00 / entry
    Division 09: $9.00 / entry
    Division 12: $13.00 / entry


    1. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to read and fully understand the rules governing horses at the Lindsay Exhibition. Only the Chairperson, together with Assistants, may make exceptions to any rules.
    2. ADMINISTRATION FEE: All Exhibitors must pay a fee of $10.00, which must accompany entries.
    3. LATE FEE additional $5.00 per horse.
    4. ENTRY FEES: Only entries with fees enclosed will be processed. Entry forms arriving with post-dated cheques or with no fees enclosed will be charged a late fee. Late fee will be charged after Wednesday, September 6, 2023. Absolutely no entries will be accepted after Wednesday, September 13, 2023.
    5. Exhibitors must be members of Ontario Equestrian OR provide private liability insurance (minimum $2 million). PROOF OF CURRENT MEMBERSHIP/INSURANCE MUST ACCOMPANY THE ENTRY FORM.
    6. Entries limited to two per class per Exhibitor unless otherwise listed.
    7. If the show is cancelled, show fees may be refunded at the discretion of the committee.
    8. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED SHOW DAY. All entries must be pre-registered.
    9. PROOF OF AGE must be available at ringside for all Exhibitors entering in children’s classes and shall be as of January 1st of the current year.
    10. In STAKE CLASSES, conformation, soundness, and manners will be emphasized.
    11. No class will be held any longer than 7 minutes. Exhibitors will not be allowed to enter the ring after this time.
    12. The Committee reserves the right to measure any horse or pony at any time to determine its eligibility for competition.
    14. PETS: No pets are allowed on the Exhibition grounds.
    15. Photocopies of EC license and OE membership to accompany entries for Division 12 & 13.
    16. ARRIVALS: All horses shall enter the grounds and park where directed (see General Rules).
    17. TRUCK PARKING: No livestock trucks, trailers, tractors, or horse vans will be allowed to park at the Horse Barn. Trucks and trailers not parked where directed may be towed at owners expense. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated.
    18. STABLING: All stalls for horses will be allotted by Light and Heavy Horse Committees.
    19. Hors concours will not be permitted in any classes in the Light Horse Show.
    20. The LEX competitions will be held according to the latest COVID-19 Event Protocol approved by the HKPR Health Unit. All then-current COVID-19 health and safety protocols will be in place and all participants, including but not limited to exhibitors, officials, and volunteers will be expected to adhere to the restrictions at all times. Anyone who fails to adhere to the restrictions will be asked to leave the LEX Grounds and will forfeit any prize money earned.

    The Board of Directors & The Light Horse Committee gratefully acknowledge a
    to be used for prize money for the Light Horse Show.

    Thank you to all our valued sponsors!

    Hackney Pleasure Ponies Horse


    • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM Saturday, September 14, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific division/class orders.
      Class 1 - $8.00
      Class 2 - $11.00



    Hackney Pleasure Pony / Horse - Open Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $50, 3rd: $45, 4th: $40, 5th: $35

    Must be shown to an appropriate vehicle either a 2 wheeled basket type jog cart or road bike with basket. No curb bits allowed. The use of a Martingale is optional. Pony to have appearance of natural mane and tail. To be shown both ways of the ring at a walk, collected trot and extended trot. Entrants must stand quietly and back readily while remaining checked.


    Hackney Pleasure Pony / Horse - Stake Prizes: 1st: $90, 2nd: $80, 3rd: $70, 4th: $60, 5th: $45

    Ponies must have been entered, shown and judged in class 0101. To be shown to an appropriate vehicle either a 2 wheeled basket type jog cart or road bike with basket. No curb bits allowed. The use of a Martingale is optional. Pony to have appearance of natural mane and tail. To be shown both ways of the ring at a walk, collected trot and extended trot. Entrants must stand quietly and back readily while remaining checked.

    Award: $20.00, Clare Hayes, Brush

    Sponsorship: $80.00, Clare Hayes, Pay prize money




    • Must be registered Standardbred.
    • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific division/class order.
      Class 1 to 7 - $8.00
      Class 8 & 9 - $11.00

    Entry Fees: Regular entry: $8.00, Late entry: $13.00, Substitute entry: $20.00, Substitute and late: $20.00



    Single Roadster, Wagon - 15.2 & under Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30


    Single Roadster, Wagon - over 15.2 Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30


    Pair of Roadsters Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $50, 3rd: $45, 4th: $40, 5th: $30


    Single Roadster, Bike - 15.2 & under Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30


    Single Roadster, Bike - over 15.2 Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30


    Roadster, Bike - Lady Driver 18 or over as of January 1st of current year Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30

    Driver to wear colours. Hand holds permissible. Open to mares, geldings & manageable stallions. To be judged on gait, action, quality and manners. Entry qualifies horse for stake class.


    Green Road Horse, Bike Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30

    Horse must be 5 years and under or 1st or 2nd year of showing. Driver to wear colours. Hand holds permissible. Open to mares, geldings & manageable stallions. To be judged on gait, action, quality and manners. Entry qualifies horse for stake class.


    Roadster, Bike - Stake Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $70, 3rd: $60, 4th: $50, 5th: $40

    All entries must have been shown in a previous class. No cross entries in Stake Classes. Horses shown in Bike Stake must have been shown in a Bike class.

    Entry Fee: $11.00

    Award: Light Horse Committee, Brush


    Roadster, Wagon - Stake Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $70, 3rd: $60, 4th: $50, 5th: $40

    All entries must have been shown in a previous class. No cross entries in Stake Classes. Horses shown in Buggy Stake must have been shown in a Buggy class.

    Entry Fee: $11.00

    Award: $50.00, John & Nelson Lester, Brush


    Hackney Ponies


    • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific division/class order.
    • 12.2 hands to 14.2 hands with a Cob Tail
      Class 1 & 2 - $8.00
      Class 3 - $11.00



    Single Hackney Pony Prizes: $55 - $50 - $45 - $40 - $35


    Hackney Pony - Stake Prizes: $90 - $80 - $70 - $60 - $45

    All entries must have been shown in a previous class.

    Sponsor: Nesbitt's Meat Market Inc., Lindsay

    Specials for Hackneys, Roadsters and Harness Ponies


    • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific division/class order.
      Class 1 & 2 - no entry fee
      Class 3 to 5 - $8.00



    Hackney Horse or Pony Driven by a Junior Prizes: 1st: $15, 2nd: $12, 3rd: $10, 4th: $8, 5th: $6

    Please list name of driver on entry form. Sanctioned by the Canadian Hackney Society Junior Division. Open to registered Hackney Mares or Geldings suitable to be driven by a Junior. Animal to have long mane and tail, or braided mane and short tail. To be shown by a boy or girl under 18 years of age as of January 1st of the current year. Exhibitor or a member of his immediate family must be a member of the Canadian Hackney Society. To be judged on manners, quality, and performance of the animal and driver's ability. 50% for suitability of horse/pony. Cross entries permitted.


    Canadian Hackney Society Junior Showmanship Prizes: 1st: $15, 2nd: $12, 3rd: $10, 4th: $8, 5th: $6


    Open to all Hackney horses or ponies shown by a Junior. Rules of eligibility same as for class 0401. To be judged on ability to show a pony or horse in hand


    Gent's Turnout - 1 entry per exhibitor Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30

    Single Roadster or Hackney Horse to be shown with suitable equipment.


    Ladies Single Hackney, Harness or Shetland Pony Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30

    Driven by a lady, 18 or over as of January 1st of the current year, at a half cheek, stand quietly and back up. To be judged at a Park Pace.


    Pair Hackney, Harness or Shetland Ponies Prizes: 1st: $45, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $35, 4th: $30, 5th: $30


    Registered Fine Harness Ponies


    • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific division/class order.
    • Ponies must measure 44" to 50"
    • Class 1 & 2 - $8.00
      Class 3 - $11.00

    Entry Fees: Regular entry: $8.00, Late entry: $13.00, Substitute entry: $20.00, Substitute and late: $20.00



    Single Harness Pony Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $50, 3rd: $45, 4th: $40, 5th: $35


    Harness Pony - Stake Prizes: 1st: $90, 2nd: $80, 3rd: $70, 4th: $60, 5th: $45

    All entries must have shown in a previous class.

    Entry Fee: $11.00

    Award: Hill's Florist & Garden Centre Ltd., Brush, Lindsay, ON

    Roadster Ponies


    • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific division/class order.
      Class 1 - $8.00
      Class 2 - $11.00



    Single Road Pony Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $50, 3rd: $45, 4th: $40, 5th: $35

    To be shown hitched to a suitable bike, driver to wear stable colours. No cross entries permitted.


    Road Pony - Stake Prizes: 1st: $90, 2nd: $80, 3rd: $70, 4th: $60, 5th: $45

    To be hitched to a suitable bike, driver to wear stable colours. No cross entries permitted.



    • SHOW DATE: 9:00 AM on Saturday, September 21, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific class/division order.
    • ENTRY FEE: $9.00


    Registered in Section A, B, C or D of the Stud Book

    Prizes: 1st: $15, 2nd: $13, 3rd: $11, 4th: $10, 5th: $10



    Welsh A - 2 Years & Under Colt, Filly, Gelding


    Welsh A - 3 Years & Over Mare


    Welsh A - Stallion or Gelding




    Welsh B - 2 Years & Under Colt, Filly, or Gelding


    Welsh B - 3 Years & Over Stallion or Gelding


    Welsh B - 3 Years & Over Mare


    SECTION C & D:


    Welsh C, D - 2 Years & Under Colt, Filly, or Gelding


    Welsh C, D - 3 Years & Over Mare


    Welsh C, D - 3 Years & Over - Stallion or Gelding



    Half Welsh on Line - 2 Years & Under

    - Mare, Stallion or Gelding


    Half Welsh on Line - 3 Years & Over

    - Mare, Stallion or Gelding


    WELSH CHAMPION of CHAMPIONS QUALIFIER Prize: 0. Welsh Association supplies ribbons for class

    Ribbons Only

    Champions will be picked from the following categories for the Royal Winter Fair as per CEF Canada Welsh rules.

    Two Years and Under - Section A, B, C, D / Reserve

    Yeld Mare / Brood Mare - Section A, B, C, D / Reserve

    Stallion / Gelding - Section A, B, C, D / Reserve


    • Ribbons Only.
    • Junior to be named on entry form.
    • Open to Welsh & Half Welsh.


    Prize: $0


    Welsh Junior Showmanship

    10 years of age & under

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh


    Welsh Adult Showmanship

    18 years & over as of January 1st of the current year.

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh


    Welsh Junior Showmanship

    11 to 17 years of age

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh


    Welsh/Half Welsh Child's Lead Line - Walk Only

    Children 7 & under - Mare or Gelding

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh
    **Riders in this class are only eligible for Lead Line Walk classes**

    NOTE: Riders in classes 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 are not allowed in any other section in this division.

    Riders 12 years old and under as of January 1st of the current calendar year. Mare or Gelding.


    Welsh/Half Welsh Child's Lead Line Equitation - Walk Trot Prize: $0

    Children 10 & under - Mare or Gelding

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh


    Welsh Child's Lead Line Walk Trot Pleasure Pony Under Saddle Prize: $0

    10 & under - Mare or Gelding

    Section A, B, C, D


    Welsh/Half Welsh Child's Pony Equitation - Walk Trot Prize: $0

    12 & under - Mare or Gelding

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh


    Welsh Pleasure Under Saddle - 12 & under Prize: $0

    12 & under - Mare or Gelding - Walk and trot both ways of the ring, stand quietly and back readily.

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh - Riders from the Performance Division - Under Saddle are not eligible in classes 15-19.


    Welsh/Half Welsh Equitation Under Saddle - Junior to Ride Prize: $0

    12 & under - Mare or Gelding

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh - Riders from the Performance Division - Under Saddle are not eligible in classes 15-19.



    Welsh Novice Pleasure Driving Pony Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion

    Section A, B, C, D
    Pony must be in their first 2 years of driving.


    Welsh Pleasure Driving Pony Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion

    Section A, B


    Welsh Pleasure Driving Pony Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion

    Section C, D


    Welsh Pleasure Driving - Junior to Drive Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion

    Section A, B, C, D

    Sponsorship: $100.00, Linda Cook


    Welsh Pleasure Driving Pony - Stake Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion

    Section A, B, C ,D



    Welsh Pleasure Pony Under Saddle - Junior to Ride - Section Requirement Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare or Gelding - Walk/Trot/Canter

    Section A, B


    Welsh Pleasure Pony Under Saddle - Adult or Junior to Ride Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0


    Section C, D


    Welsh Pleasure Pony Under Saddle - Adult to Ride Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion

    Section A, B


    Half Welsh Under Saddle - Adult or Junior to Ride Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion


    Welsh Pleasure Pony Under Saddle - Stake - Adult to Ride Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion

    Section A, B, C, D


    Welsh Pleasure Pony Under Saddle - Stake - Junior to ride Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare or Gelding

    Section A, B, C, D


    Welsh/Half Welsh Equitation Under Saddle - Adult to Ride Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $0

    Mare, Gelding, or Stallion

    Section A, B, C, D & Half Welsh

    Sport Pony


    • Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Qualifying Show
    • SHOW DATE: 9:00 AM on SATURDAY, September 21, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific class/division order.
    • ENTRY FEE: $9.00


    This division is open to any registered or unregistered pony meeting the sport pony criteria IE: hunter, jumper, driving, eventing etc. The first place in each of the 8 classes will qualify to enter the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Sport Pony Division. If the first-place pony has previously qualified this year, then the 2nd place pony will advance (it is the RESPONSIBILITY of the 2nd place handler to obtain this information from the 1st place handler, at the time of placing.). Ponies will be measured at the Royal and MUST be 14.2h and under in order to compete. General EC rules for Sport Horses apply.

    At the ROYAL the SPORTPONY STARSEARCH winner will be awarded the perpetual MORTON SPORTPONY STARSEARCH CHALLENGE CUP, a silver keeper plate & our sponsor DENWORTH EQUINE MANAGEMENT Sherri Whitworth-Denouden & Jeremy Denouden, award total of $1,000 prize money to the top 4 and a cooler to the SUPREME CHAMPION.


      Prizes: 1st: $15, 2nd: $13, 3rd: $11, 4th: $10, 5th: $10



      Foal of Current Year


      Yearling - Colt, Filly, or Gelding


      Two Year Old - Colt, Filly, or Gelding

      Junior Champion / Reserve

      Eligible are 1st & 2nd place of Classes 1, 2, 3


      Three Year & Over Mare


      Three Year & Over Gelding


      Three Year & Over Stallion

      Senior Champion / Reserve

      Eligible are 1st and 2nd place in Classes 4, 5, 6

      Grand Champion / Reserve

      Eligible are Junior & Reserve Champions and Senior & Reserve Champions


      Hunter Suitability Under Saddle

      -Three years & over mare, stallion or gelding

      - Walk, trot, canter


      Dressage Suitability Under Saddle

      -Three years & over mare, stallion or gelding

      - Walk, trot, canter


      English & Western Open Show



      • SHOW DATE: 8:30 AM on Saturday, September 21, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific class/division order.
      • JUDGE: Lindsay Grice
      • ADMINISTRATION FEE: $10.00
      • ENTRY FEE:
        Class 0901 to 1015 $8.00 per class
        Class 0916 to 1024 $10.00 per class
      2. Horses or ponies that are shown in Division 09: English & Western Show are NOT eligible to show in any other Light Horse Division, including the LEX Express. This rule will be enforced. Any exhibitor, horse, or pony that competes in the Light Horse Show is eligible to compete in the Hunter & Jumper Show.
      3. Riders not in control of their animal will be excused from the ring.
      4. All riders English & Western, 16 years and under must wear protective helmets (ASTM or SEI approved). It is strongly recommended that games riders wear helmets.
      5. Riders MUST SHOW proof of current Ontario Equestrian membership or proof of private insurance when picking up their number at the show office.
      6. All patterns will be posted at ring side 30 minutes before the class.
      7. Exhibitors/horses in 0901 Halter & 0902 Showmanship to be shown in an English bridle with appropriate English attire or Western leather halter and leather lead with chain with appropriate Western attire.
      8. English - Attire - All clothing must be clean and neat. Show jacket, shirt with proper collar, jodhpurs or breeches, field boots or black or brown paddock boots with clean matching half chaps and approved helmet. Blunt spurs are allowed (unrowelled type). Crops are permitted in appropriate classes.
      9. English - Tack - Bridle - English type snaffle, pelham, or kimberwick. No inhumane bits will be allowed. Single rein Pelham converters are allowed. Drop nosebands and standing or running martingales are not allowed. Breastplates are optional. Saddle - of English type, leather, synthetic, suede are acceptable. White saddle pads should be used (coloured trim is acceptable).
      10. Western - Attire - All clothing must be clean and neat. Western shirt with a collar, western trousers or western jeans (dark colour) (no blue jeans), cowboy boots and hat (helmets are encouraged for riders over 16 years). Short sleeves are NOT permitted. Spurs are optional and should be humane and blunt ended. Chaps are optional.
      11. Western - Tack - Bridle - of Western type headstalls to be used, either with a browband, one ear or two, but no noseband. Split reins or closed reins with romel are acceptable. Horses over 5 years old are to use a shank bit and be neck reined. Horses under 5 years old and under may use a snaffle bit or bosals and be direct reined. If under 5 years, proof of age must be shown to the office upon registration, or if asked by the committee, ring steward or Judge. Curb chains may be used but must be at least ½” in width and lie flat. Hackamores, tie downs, draw reins, training martingales are prohibited in all classes. Saddle - of any Western type may be used, but must fit the horse and rider. Saddle pad must be neat and clean and may be of any colour. Silver equipment may be used but shall not be given preference over good working equipment.
      12. Bitless Bridles - Allowed at the discretion of the Judge.
      13. Games (classes 0916 - 0924) - May be shown in either English or Western tack and apparel. Must be shown with appropriate attire (example: no English rider with Western saddle, no Western boots on English riders, no Western saddle and English bridle etc.). Short sleeves are permitted. Helmets are encouraged.
      14. All exhibitors must enter and exit the ring at a WALK.
      15. These rules can be altered by the committee at any time as they see fit.
      16. The Judges decision is FINAL. Lack of courtesy to the Judge, Committee and Volunteers could result in the expulsion from the ring and forfeiture of winnings.
      17. Western Games Champion - A belt buckle will be awarded to both youth & open highest horse and rider combination that compete in the Western Games Classes. Western Games classes are 0917, 0919, 0920, 0922, & 0924. Youth Western Games Classes are 0916, 0918, 0921, & 0923. These will be awarded following class 0924.


          Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8




          (see Rule 7 above) - Judged on the confirmation of the horse. All horses will walk in the ring individually, set up at the first cone, once acknowledged by the Judge, walk to the Judge. As the horse approaches, the Judge will step to the side to allow the horse to trot away and into line (Judges' discretion - either tails to the rail or nose to tail) for individual inspection.

          Sponsorship: $100.00, Lisa Harrison



          (See Rule 7 above) - Judged on the exhibitor's showmanship and presentation. A pattern will be posted prior to the class. Exhibitors will line up at the Judge's discretion. Each exhibitor will execute the pattern one participant at a time.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Deer Run Golf Course


          English Pleasure

          Judged on the way of going of the horse. The horse should be a pleasure to ride with light maintained rein contact at all gaits. To be shown at the walk, trot and canter.

          Sponsorship: $100.00, Ron & Lue Burkholder


          English Equitation

          Judged on the rider's seat, hands, suitability of horse and rider and performance. To be shown at the walk, trot and canter. Judge may also ask for an extended or collected trot and extended or collected canter and back up.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Williamson Lindsay Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Ltd., Prize Sponsorship


          Hunter Hack

          Exhibitors must ride with contact and strong gaits. To be shown at the walk, trot and canter. Judge may also ask for a hand gallop.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Dentistry on Kent


          Western Pleasure

          Judged on the way of going of the horse. The horse should be a pleasure to ride with a loose rein. To be shown at the walk, jog and lope.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Stellar Equine Supply


          Western Horsemanship

          Judged on the rider's seat, hands, suitability of horse and rider and performance. To be shown at the walk, jog and lope. Judge may also ask to extend the lope and back up.

          Sponsorship: $250.00, Masters Real Estate Team


          Western Ranch Rail Pleasure

          Exhibitor may be asked for (but not limited to) Walk, Trot, Extended Trot, Lope, and Extended Lope. Shown on the rail. No pattern or individual work. The ranch rail pleasure class measures the ability of the horse to be a pleasure to ride while being used as a means of conveyance from one ranch task to another and should reflect the versatility, attitude, and movement of a working horse. The horse should be well-broke, relaxed, quiet, soft, and cadenced at all gaits. The horse should be ridden on a relatively loose rein with light contact and without requiring undue restraint. The horse should be responsive to the rider and make timely transitions in a smooth and correct manner. The horse should be soft in the bridle and yield to contact maintaining a natural head carriage at each gait. Tack should look like working tack including a back cinch and breast strap (but not required). Silver on saddles and "bling" is discouraged, but not penalized. Chaps/chinks optional.



          Open to English & Western riders. Commands will be announced; last rider(s) to perform the command will be called into the middle of the ring. Commands will be called until there is one rider left. Last rider is the winner of the class. Judge may ask for (but not limited to) walk, jog/trot, lope/canter, counter canter/lope, hand gallop, back up, halt, change rein/reverse, dismount, mount and side pass.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Staples & Swain Professional Corporation


          Youth Lead Line Prize: PRIZE MONEY: $100 to be divided equally among ALL the participants in this class.

          - 6 years and under

          Horses must be led by an adult (18 years or older) with a bridle along with a halter and shank overtop of the bridle. A spotter for young riders is encouraged. Exhibitor will be asked to walk, halt and back up. Exhibitors entering in this class can not enter in any other class.

          Sponsorship: $100.00, J. Plaunt Enterprises Inc.


          Beginner English & Western Pleasure

          Walk, Trot/Jog

          Open to all ages of beginners who have not loped/cantered. Exhibitors must ride the horse and not be led. Exhibitors will be asked to walk and jog/trot both directions of the ring and will be judged on the way of going of the horse. The horse should be a pleasure to ride. Western riders may ride with both hands. Exhibitors entering in this class can only enter in 0901, 0902, 0911, 0912 & 0913.


          Beginner English & Western Equitation

          Walk, Trot/Jog

          Open to all ages of beginners who have not loped/cantered. Exhibitors must ride the horse and not be led. Exhibitors will be asked to walk and jog/trot both directions of the ring and will be judged on the rider's seat, hands, suitability of horse and rider and performance. Riders may be asked to back up. Western riders may ride with both hands. Exhibitors entering in this class can only enter in 0901, 0902, 0911, 0913, & 0914.

          Sponsorship: $50.00, Bobbie Finley, September 21 2024 Horse Ring A


          Beginner English & Western Mystery Class

          Walk, Trot/Jog

          Open to all ages of beginners who have not loped/cantered. Exhibitors must ride the horse and not be led. This class is a fun class and will be announced the day of the show. Class could be Command (Simon Says), Egg & Spoon, Musical Buckets etc. Exhibitors entering in this class can only enter in 0901, 0902, 0911, 0912 & 0914.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Hudson Henderson Ins. Brokers Lindsay



          Can be shown either English or Western, but must be shown with appropriate attire (example: no English rider with Western saddle, no Western boots on English riders and no short sleeves). Pattern will be posted prior to class. Exhibitors will be asked to complete different obstacles in a pattern at a walk, jog/trot, lope/canter, side pass and back up on a loose rein (English riders must use two hands, except at the gate). All riders may not change hands on reins other than at the gate. Judged on performance, way of going and manners. 60 seconds or two attempts will be given per obstacle, then the exhibitor must move onto the next obstacle. Natural obstacles may include, but not limited to: bridge, gate, mailbox jog/trot/lope/canter poles, side pass and back up. This is NOT a timed event.

          Sponsorship: $100.00, Lynn Burkholder Photographer


          Costume Class

          Open to all riders, both young and young at heart. Costumes to be made prior to the show and should fit the horse and rider. There is no theme. Be creative, but safe and have FUN!

          Sponsorship: $100.00, Free In Motion Equine Massage Therapy

          CLASSES 0916 - 0924

          Exhibitors must enter the ring at a WALK. Failure to do so, will result in elimination from the class.

          Laser Timers: will be used for accurate times to 0.001 seconds.

          These are timed events. Fastest time wins.

          Riders MUST cross the finish line.

          Youth are riders 18 years and under.


          Youth Barrel Race Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Cloverleaf pattern to be performed either to the left or the right. A knocked over barrel is a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $100.00, Hill's Florist & Garden Centre Ltd.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Rabbit Run Repairs


          Barrel Race Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Cloverleaf pattern to be performed either to the left or the right. A knocked over barrel is a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $200.00, RJT Office Solutions / Wall It Wall Art, Sponsorship and prize donation


          Youth Keyhole Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Run down the ring to the "keyhole" turn around inside the "keyhole" and run back crossing the finish line. Stepping over the line will be a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Shannon Timbers


          Keyhole Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Run down the ring to the "keyhole" turn around inside the "keyhole" and run back crossing the finish line. Stepping over the line will be a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Kevin Barker & Greg Snoddon Auctions

          Sponsorship: $100.00, Ron & Lue Burkholder


          Flag Race Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Run down either side of barrel 'A', grab the flag. Continue to run and around barrel 'B'. Deposit flag back in barrel 'A'. Cross the finish line.A missed flag grab or missed flag deposit is a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Shannon Timbers


          Youth Dash for Cash Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Run down the ring to the barrel at the far end, go around it and run back over the finish line. A knocked over barrel is a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Kei-Lin Roofing

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Shannon Timbers


          Dash for Cash Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Run down the ring to the barrel at the far end, go around it and run back over the finish line. A knocked over barrel is a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $208.00, Dentistry on Kent

          Sponsorship: $108.00, Shannon Timbers


          Youth Pole Bending Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Run down the ring, either to the right or left of the poles. Serpentine your way down and then back up the poles then run down the opposite side over the finish line. A knocked over pole is a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $108.00, 11907093 Canada Corp


          Pole Bending Prizes: 1st: $80, 2nd: $55, 3rd: $40, 4th: $15, 5th: $10, others: $8

          Run down the ring, either to the right or left of the poles. Serpentine your way down and then back up the poles then run down the opposite side over the finish line. A knocked over pole is a 5 second penalty.

          Sponsorship: $100.00, Lakeland Funeral & Cremation Centre

          A Custom LEX Buckle will be awarded to the junior horse and rider combination with the most points in the Games (0916, 0918, 0920, 0921, & 0923). The award will be presented following class 0924.
          A Custom LEX Buckle will be awarded to the horse and rider combination with the most points in theGames (0917, 0919, 0920, 0922, & 0924). The award will be presented following Junior Western Games Champion.


          1st - 6 points
          2nd - 5 points
          3rd - 4 points
          4th - 3 points
          5th - 2 points
          6th - 1 point

          Sponsored by RJT Solutions, Lindsay ON


          Open Breed Light Horse Show


          • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
          • ADMINISTRATION FEE: $10.00
          • ENTRY FEE: $10.00
          • These classes are intended to replace the Arabian classes. It is opened to all breeds including but not limited to Arabian, Saddlebred, Friesian etc.

          Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $15



          Open Halter

          Judged on confirmation of the horse. Horses will walk in the ring individually, set up at the first cone, once acknowledged by the Judge, walk to the Judge. As the horse approches, the Judge will step to the side to allow the horse to trot away and into line ( Judges' discretion - either tails to the rail or nose to tail) for individual inspection.


          Open English Pleasure

          Judged on the way of going of the horse. The horse should be a pleassure to ride with light maintained rein contact at all gaits. To be shown at the walk, trot, & canter.


          Open English Pleasure Stake Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $44, 3rd: $35, 4th: $25, 5th: $25, others: $0

          Judged on the rider's seat, hands, suitability of horse and rider and performance. To be shown at the walk, trot, and canter. Judge may also ask for an extended or collected trot and extended or collected canter and back up.


          Open Western Pleasure

          Judged on the way of going of the horse. The horse should be a pleasue to ride with a loose rein. To be shown at the walk, jog, and lope.


          Open Western Pleasure Stake Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $45, 3rd: $35, 4th: $25, 5th: $25, others: $0

          Judged on the way of going of the horse. The horse should be a pleasure to ride with a loose rein To be shown at the walk, jog, and lope.


          Open Harness

          To be shown to a suitable vehicle (wooden or wire are acceptable) at a walk & trot. To be judged 50% on performanc, quaility, and manners, 50% on type and conformation.


          Open Harness - Stake Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $45, 3rd: $35, 4th: $25, 5th: $25, others: $0


          Registered Morgan Horses


          • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific division/class order.
          • ADMINISTRATION FEE: $10.00
          • ENTRY FEE
            Class 1 to 9 - $10.00
          • Class 10 to 12 - $13.00

          Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $20, 4th: $15, 5th: $15



          Morgan Registered Mare on Line Prize: $10


          Morgan Registered Stallion or Gelding on Line Prize: $10


          Morgan Specialty in Hand - Mare, Gelding or Stallion Prize: $10

          To be shown as a Classic Pleasure, Hunter Pleasure or Western, with appropriate shoeing, tack & attire. May not enter classes 1 or 2.


          Morgan Horse - Saddle Seat Attire - Park / Pleasure / Classic

          To be shown at a walk, trot, road trot & canter. To be judged 60% on performance, quality and manners, 40% on type and conformation.


          Morgan Western Pleasure Horse

          To be shown at a walk, jog and lope with a light rein but still maintaining contact with horse's mouth. To be judged on same requirements as class 4.


          Morgan Horse in Harness - Park / Pleasure / Classic

          To be shown to a suitable wire wheeled vehicle at a walk, trot & road trot. To be judged 60% on performance, quality and manners, 40% on type and conformation.


          Morgan Hunter Pleasure - open to all Stallions, Mares and Geldings

          To be shown at a walk, trot, extended trot, canter, extended canter both ways of the ring. To be judged 60% on performance and 40% on type and conformation.


          Morgan Road Hack

          To be shown at a walk, trot, road trot, canter and hand gallop. At any time during the class the judge may ask horses to halt and walk off on a loose rein. Excessive speed at the hand gallop to be penalized. To back readily and to be judged 60% on performance, manners and suitability for a Road Hack and 40% on type and conformation.


          Morgan Horse - Saddle Seat Attire - Stake - Park / Pleasure / Classic Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $45, 3rd: $35, 4th: $25, 5th: $25, others: $0

          To be shown at a walk, trot, road trot & canter. To be judged 50% on performance, quality and manners, 50% on type and conformation.

          Award: $50.00, Genevieve Kendell-Hayes, Brush


          Morgan Hunter Pleasure - Stake Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $45, 3rd: $35, 4th: $25, 5th: $25, others: $0

          To be shown at a walk, trot, extended trot and canter both ways of the ring. To be judged 50% on performance and 50% on type and conformation.

          Award: $20.00, Chris English, Brush


          Morgan Western Pleasure - Stake Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $45, 3rd: $35, 4th: $25, 5th: $25, others: $0

          To be shown at a walk, jog and lope with a light rein but still maintaining contact with horse's mouth.

          Award: Light Horse Committee, Brush


          Morgan Horse in Harness - Stake - Park / Pleasure / Classic Prizes: 1st: $55, 2nd: $45, 3rd: $35, 4th: $25, 5th: $25, others: $0

          To be shown to a suitable wire wheeled vehicle at a walk, trot & road trot. To be judged 50% on performance, quality and manners, 50% on type and conformation.

          Award: Light Horse Committee, Brush

          Morgan Champion - top 2 placings from 1, 2 & 3 / Reserve

          Ribbons Only

          Prize money for these classes partially sponsored by the


          Showmanship & Equitation


          • SHOW DATE: 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Please check the schedule for specific division/class order.
          • This is an Equestrian Canada Bronze Sanctioned Competition. Please read associated rules carefully and be sure to renew all required licenses, schedule all required vaccinations, and attach all required documents prior to submitting entries.
          • Open to all REGISTERED Light Horse breeds.
          • ADMINISTRATION FEE: $10.00
          • ENTRY FEE:
            Class 1 & 2 - no entry fee
          • Class 3 to 7 - $11.00
          • Ribbons / Medallions Only
          • All ages are as of January 1st of the current year.



          Youth Showmanship - Rider 17 & Under

          To be shown in hand. Judged on handler's ability to present horse to its best advantage before the judge. Grooming of horse and neatness of exhibitor to be considered.


          Lead Line - Rider 8 & Under

          Children entering this class may not enter any other class at this show. Recommended that securely attached ASTM approved helmets be worn in this class.


          Walk Trot - Rider 12 & Under

          To be shown at a walk and trot only, both ways of the ring. Riders not eligible for any other saddle class except 1304.


          Walk Trot Equitation - Rider 12 & Under

          Saddle Seat, Hunt Seat or Western. Riders entered in this class may not show in lead-line or any class or division calling for a canter or lope. Headers permitted in line - no test shall be called. Riders are to be judged on correctness of form and their ability to handle their animal. No stallions.


          Saddle Seat Equitation - Rider 17 & Under

          Rider judged at a walk, trot and canter, both ways of the ring on rider's seat, hands, general management and control of the horse. Rider may be further tested at the discretion of the judge. Saddle seat attire only.


          Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat - Rider 17 & Under

          Rider to be judged at a walk trot and canter, both ways of the ring on rider's seat, hands, general management and control of the horse. Rider may be further tested at the discretion of the judge.


          Western Seat Equitation - Rider 17 & Under

          Rider to be judged at a walk, jog and lope, both ways of the ring on rider's seat, hands, general management and control of the horse. Rider may be further tested at the discretion of the judge.